Source code for treem.utils.geom

"""Utilities for manipulating geometry of morphology reconstructions."""

import math
import numpy as np

from import SWC

# pylint: disable=invalid-name
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals

[docs]def rotation_matrix(axis, angle): """Computes rotation matrix for 3D manipulations. Args: axis (float[3]): rotation axis. angle (float): rotation angle in radians. Returns: rotation matrix (NumPy ndarray). """ axis = np.asarray(axis) axis = axis / math.sqrt(, axis)) a = math.cos(angle / 2.0) b, c, d = -axis * math.sin(angle / 2.0) aa, bb, cc, dd = a * a, b * b, c * c, d * d bc, ad, ac, ab, bd, cd = b * c, a * d, a * c, a * b, b * d, c * d return np.array([[aa + bb - cc - dd, 2 * (bc + ad), 2 * (bd - ac)], [2 * (bc - ad), aa + cc - bb - dd, 2 * (cd + ab)], [2 * (bd + ac), 2 * (cd - ab), aa + dd - bb - cc]])
[docs]def norm(vec): """Returns magnitude of a 3D vector.""" x, y, z = vec return math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z)
[docs]def angle_between(u, v): """Returns angle in radians between two 3D vectors (float[3]).""" un, vn, = norm(u), norm(v) angle = math.acos(, v) / (un * vn)) if un > 1e-6 and vn > 1e-6 else 0 return angle
[docs]def rotation(u, v): """Computes rotation axis and angle for two 3D vectors (float[3]). Returns: axis (NumPy ndarray[3]), angle (float) rotation axis, rotation angle in radians. """ angle = angle_between(u, v) if math.isclose(math.sin(angle), 0, abs_tol=1e-6): dv = np.ones(3) * 1e-6 u, v = u + dv, v - dv axis = np.cross(u, v) axis = axis / norm(axis) return axis, angle
[docs]def repair_branch(cmorph, cut, rmorph, rep, force=False, keep_radii=False): """Attempts to extend cut neurite using intact branch. Args: cmorph (treem.Morph): cut morphology. cut (treem.Node): cut node, from cmorph. rmorph (treem.Morph): repair morphology. rep (treem.Node): undamaged branch start node, from rmorph. force (bool): force repair if branch is too short. keep_radii (bool): do not scale radii of repaired branch. Returns: True if repaired. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments done = 0 cutsec = list(reversed(list(cut.section(reverse=True)))) repsec = list(rep.section()) cutlen = cmorph.length(cutsec) replen = rmorph.length(repsec) target = cut if replen > cutlen: for node in repsec[-1::-1]: if rmorph.length(node.section()) > replen - cutlen: break source = node # pylint: disable=undefined-loop-variable elif rep.breadth() > 1 or force: source = rep else: source = None if source: tree = rmorph.copy(source) scale_z = -1 if keep_radii: scale_r = 1 else: # possibly unsafe use of memory block in radii() may cause errors in swc-repair # rcut = cmorph.radii(cutsec).mean() # rrep = rmorph.radii(repsec).mean() rcut = np.mean([node.radius() for node in cutsec]) rrep = np.mean([node.radius() for node in repsec]) scale_r = rcut / rrep[:, SWC.XYZR] *= np.array([1, 1, scale_z, scale_r]) u = np.mean([:, SWC.XYZ], axis=0) - tree.root.coord() v = target.coord() - cmorph.root.coord() axis, angle = rotation(u, v) tree.rotate(axis, angle) shift = (target.coord() - tree.root.coord() + target.coord() - target.parent.coord()) tree.translate(shift) cmorph.graft(tree, target) done = 1 return done
[docs]def sample(points, num): """Samples points with fixed resolution using linear interpolation. Args: points (NumPy ndarray[4]): array of 4D data points (x,y,z,r). num (int): sample size. Returns: array of 4D points (NumPy ndarray[4]). """ num = num if num > 1 else 2 links = [norm(p[0:3] - q[0:3]) for p, q in zip(points[:-1], points[1:])] tp = [sum(links[0:i]) for i in range(len(links) + 1)] xp, yp, zp, rp = points.T t = np.linspace(tp[0], tp[-1], num, endpoint=True) return np.array([np.interp(t, tp, xp), np.interp(t, tp, yp), np.interp(t, tp, zp), np.interp(t, tp, rp)]).T
[docs]def fibonacci_sphere(npoints=100): """Samples equally spaced points on a unit sphere. Args: npoints (int): sample size [100]. Returns: array of 3D points (NumPy ndarray[3]). """ indices = np.arange(0, npoints, dtype=float) + 0.5 phi = np.arccos(1 - 2 * indices / npoints) theta = np.pi * (1 + 5**0.5) * indices x = np.cos(theta) * np.sin(phi) y = np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi) z = np.cos(phi) points = np.array([x, y, z]).T return points