Source code for treem.morph

"""Morphology reconstruction data structure."""

import math

from collections import deque

import numpy as np

from treem.tree import Tree
from import SWC, load_swc, save_swc
from treem.utils.geom import rotation_matrix, norm

[docs]class Node(Tree): """Morphology data storage.""" def __init__(self, value=None): """Inits Node with value.""" super().__init__() self.v = value # pylint: disable=invalid-name def __str__(self): """String representation of Node value.""" return str(self.v)
[docs] def walk(self, reverse=False): """Iterates through the tree nodes starting from the current node. Iteration is terminated when root is reached if reverse is True. If False, full tree is traversed downstream in pre-order. Args: reverse (bool): walk the tree in ascending order if True. Returns: sequence of tree nodes (generator object). """ iterator = Tree.preorder if not reverse else Tree.ascendorder return iterator(self)
[docs] def is_stem(self): """Returns True if node is a stem node.""" return (not self.is_root() and self.parent.is_root() and self.type() is not SWC.SOMA)
[docs] def order(self): """Returns branch order (int). A primary neurite has order 1.""" return (sum(1 for node in self.forks(iterator=Tree.ascendorder)) + 1 if not self.is_root() else 0)
[docs] def ident(self): """Returns node ID (int).""" return int(self.v[SWC.I])
[docs] def parent_ident(self): """Returns node's parent ID (int).""" return int(self.v[SWC.P])
[docs] def type(self): """Returns point type of the node (int).""" return int(self.v[SWC.T])
[docs] def point(self): """Returns point data of the node (x,y,z,r) (NumPy ndarray[4]).""" return self.v[SWC.XYZR]
[docs] def coord(self): """Returns coordinates of the node (x,y,z) (NumPy ndarray[3]).""" return self.v[SWC.XYZ]
[docs] def dist(self, origin=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]): # pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value """Returns Euclidean distance of the node to origin (float).""" return np.linalg.norm(self.v[SWC.XYZ] - origin)
[docs] def radius(self): """Returns radius of the node (float).""" return self.v[SWC.R]
[docs] def diam(self): """Returns diameter of the node (float).""" return 2 * self.radius()
[docs] def length(self): """Returns segment length at the node (float).""" # pylint: disable=invalid-name a = self.coord() b = self.parent.coord() if not self.is_root() else a return norm(a - b)
[docs] def area(self): """Returns segment area at the node (float).""" # pylint: disable=invalid-name h = self.length() a = self.radius() b = self.parent.radius() if not self.is_root() else a return math.pi * (a + b) * math.sqrt((a - b) * (a - b) + h * h)
[docs] def volume(self): """Returns segment volume at the node (float).""" # pylint: disable=invalid-name h = self.length() a = self.radius() b = self.parent.radius() if not self.is_root() else a return math.pi / 3.0 * (a * a + a * b + b * b) * h
[docs] def section(self, reverse=False): """ Iterates through the nodes of the section. Iteration starts with the current node and procedes until the end of the section. Args: reverse (bool): ascending order if True (defaults to False). Yields: sequence of nodes (generator object). """ iterator = Tree.preorder if not reverse else Tree.ascendorder for node in iterator(self): yield node term = node if not reverse else node.parent if term.is_fork() or term.is_leaf() or term.is_root(): break
[docs] def sections(self): """Iterates through the sections in descending order. Iterations traverse entire branch starting with the current node. Yields: sequence of sections (generator object). """ queue = deque((self.section(),)) while queue: sec = list(queue.pop()) node = sec[-1] siblings = deque(child.section() for child in node.siblings) queue.extend(reversed(siblings)) yield sec
[docs]class Morph(): """Neuron morphology representation.""" def __init__(self, source=None, data=None): """Initializes Morph from source file or data. Args: source (str): source file (swc). data (NumPy ndarray): morphology data (N, 7). """ = None self.root = None self.nodes = [] if source: self.load(source) elif data is not None: data[0][SWC.P] = -1 idmap = dict(enumerate([int(x[0]) for x in data], 1)) idmap = {v: k for k, v in idmap.items()} idmap[-1] = -1 for rec in data: rec[SWC.I] = idmap[int(rec[SWC.I])] rec[SWC.P] = idmap[int(rec[SWC.P])] self.load(data=data)
[docs] def load(self, source=None, data=None): """Fill-in Morph from source file or data. Args: source (str): source file (swc). data (NumPy ndarray): morphology data (N, 7). """ = load_swc(source) if source else data for row in self.nodes.append(Node(row)) self.root = self.nodes[0] for node in self.nodes[1:]: parent = node.parent_ident() - 1 child = node.ident() - 1 self.nodes[parent].add(self.nodes[child])
[docs] def save(self, target): """Writes morphology to file (str).""" save_swc(target,
[docs] def node(self, ident): """Returns node by it's ID.""" return [node for node in self.root.walk() if node.ident() == ident][0]
[docs] def stems(self): """Iterates through stem nodes. Returns: sequence of stem nodes (generator object). """ return filter(lambda x: x.type() != SWC.SOMA, self.root.siblings)
[docs] def coords(self, sec): """Returns reference to section coordinates.""" first = sec[0].ident() - 1 last = sec[-1].ident() block = slice(first, last) return[block, SWC.XYZ]
# return np.array([node.coord() for node in sec])
[docs] def radii(self, sec): """Returns reference to section radii.""" first = sec[0].ident() - 1 last = sec[-1].ident() block = slice(first, last) # possibly unsafe addressing, see repair_branch() return[block, SWC.RADII]
# return np.array([node.radius() for node in sec])
[docs] def points(self, sec): """Returns reference to section data.""" first = sec[0].ident() - 1 last = sec[-1].ident() block = slice(first, last) return[block, SWC.XYZR]
# return np.array([node.v[XYZR] for node in sec])
[docs] def length(self, sec): """Returns section length (float).""" return sum(node.length() for node in sec)
[docs] def area(self, sec): """Returns section area (float).""" return sum(node.area() for node in sec)
[docs] def volume(self, sec): """Returns section volume (float).""" return sum(node.volume() for node in sec)
[docs] def move(self, shift, node): """Shifts node coordinates by 3D vector (float[3]).""" node.v[SWC.XYZ] += shift
[docs] def translate(self, shift, node=None): """Shifts coordinates of the branch at the given node. Branch is traversed downstream from the given node. Args: shift (float[3]): translation vector. node (treem.Node): starting node (defaults to root). """ node = node if node else self.root for sec in node.sections(): points = self.coords(sec) points += shift
[docs] def rotate(self, axis, angle, node=None): """Rotates branch at the node. Branch is traversed downstream from the given node. Args: axis (float[3]): rotation axis. angle (float): rotation angle in degrees. node (treem.Node): starting node (defaults to root). """ node = node if node else self.root head = node.coord().copy() for sec in node.sections(): points = self.coords(sec) first = sec[0].ident() - 1 last = sec[-1].ident() block = slice(first, last)[block, SWC.XYZ] =, angle), points.T).T shift = head - node.coord() self.translate(shift, node)
[docs] def copy(self, node=None): """Copies branch at the node (defaults to root).""" node = node if node else self.root data = np.array([x.v for x in node.walk()]) return Morph(data=data)
# Programming notes: # 1) __renumber() changes internal container data; # 2) delete(), insert(), prune() and graft() desynchronize # the data and the linked list; # 3) constructor Morph(data=new_data) updates the linked list. def __renumber(self): """Renumbers morphology nodes in tree traversal order.""" data = np.array([x.v for x in self.root.walk()]) idmap = dict(enumerate([int(x[0]) for x in data], 1)) idmap = {v: k for k, v in idmap.items()} idmap[-1] = -1 for rec in data: rec[SWC.I], rec[SWC.P] = idmap[rec[SWC.I]], idmap[rec[SWC.P]] = data
[docs] def delete(self, node): """Delete node.""" siblings = node.parent.siblings index = siblings.index(node) siblings.pop(index) for child in node.siblings: node.parent.add(child) child.v[SWC.P] = node.parent.ident() self.__renumber()
[docs] def insert(self, new_node, node): """Inserts new node before the given node.""" siblings = node.parent.siblings index = siblings.index(node) siblings.pop(index) maxid = np.max([:, slice(SWC.I, SWC.I + 1)]).astype(int) new_node.v[SWC.I] = maxid + 1 new_node.v[SWC.P] = node.parent.ident() node.v[SWC.P] = new_node.ident() node.parent.add(new_node) new_node.add(node) self.__renumber()
[docs] def prune(self, node): """Prunes branch at the given node.""" siblings = node.parent.siblings index = siblings.index(node) siblings.pop(index) self.__renumber()
[docs] def graft(self, tree, node=None): """Grafts tree at the given node (defaults to root).""" node = node if node else self.root maxid = np.max([:, slice(SWC.I, SWC.I + 1)]).astype(int)[:, slice(SWC.I, SWC.P + 1, SWC.P)] += maxid[0][SWC.P] = node.ident() = np.append(,, axis=0) node.add(tree.root) self.__renumber()
def get_segdata(morph): """Collects extended segment data.""" # pylint: disable=invalid-name # pylint: disable=too-many-locals m = morph d = {} for i, t, x, y, z, r, p in i, t, x, y, z, r, p = int(i), int(t), float(x), float(y), float(z), float(r), int(p) d[i] = {'t': t, 'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': z, 'r': r, 'p': p} center = m.root.coord() for node in m.root.walk(): if node.type() == SWC.SOMA: ident = node.ident() d[ident]['length'] = 0.0 d[ident]['path'] = 0.0 d[ident]['xsec'] = 0.0 d[ident]['xsec_rel'] = 0.0 d[ident]['dist'] = 0.0 d[ident]['degree'] = 0 d[ident]['order'] = 0 d[ident]['breadth'] = 0 d[ident]['totlen'] = 0.0 for stem in m.stems(): for sec in stem.sections(): order = 1 xsec = 0.0 seclen = m.length(sec) for node in sec: ident = node.ident() length = node.length() xsec += length if node.parent.is_fork() and node.parent != m.root: order += 1 dist = np.linalg.norm(center - node.coord()) path = d[node.parent.ident()]['path'] path += length d[ident]['length'] = length d[ident]['path'] = path d[ident]['xsec'] = xsec d[ident]['xsec_rel'] = xsec / seclen d[ident]['dist'] = dist d[ident]['degree'] = d[ident]['order'] = order d[ident]['breadth'] = 1 d[ident]['totlen'] = 0.0 for term in m.root.leaves(): for node in term.walk(reverse=True): if not node.is_leaf(): ident = node.ident() descent_ident = [x.ident() for x in node.siblings] descent_length = [x.length() for x in node.siblings] descent_breadth = [d[i]['breadth'] for i in descent_ident] descent_totlen = [d[i]['totlen'] for i in descent_ident] breadth = sum(descent_breadth) totlen = sum(descent_totlen) + sum(descent_length) d[ident]['breadth'] = breadth d[ident]['totlen'] = totlen return np.array([[i, d[i]['t'], d[i]['x'], d[i]['y'], d[i]['z'], d[i]['r'], d[i]['p'], d[i]['length'], d[i]['path'], d[i]['xsec'], d[i]['xsec_rel'], d[i]['dist'], d[i]['degree'], d[i]['order'], d[i]['breadth'], d[i]['totlen']] for i in sorted(d)]) class SEG(): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """Definitions of the extended segment data format.""" (I, T, X, Y, Z, R, P, LENGTH, PATH, XSEC, XSEC_REL, DIST, DEGREE, ORDER, BREADTH, TOTLEN) = range(16) class DGram(Morph): """Neuron dendrogram representation.""" def __init__(self, morph=None, source=None, data=None, types=SWC.TYPES, zorder=0.0, ystep=0.0, zstep=0.0): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # pylint: disable=too-many-branches if not morph: morph = Morph(source=source, data=data) else: morph = Morph( if morph is None: super().__init__() else: for stem in morph.stems(): if stem.type() not in types: morph.prune(stem) graph = Morph( segdata = get_segdata(graph) for sec in graph.root.sections(): start_node = sec[0] # seclink = start_node.length() # secrad = graph.radii(sec).mean() for node in sec: ident = node.ident() data =[ident - 1] segd = segdata[ident - 1] data[SWC.X] = segd[SEG.PATH] # data[SWC.R] = secrad if ystep == 0.0 or zstep == 0.0: # maxdist = max([node.dist() for node in morph.root.leaves()]) # ntips = sum([1 for node in morph.root.leaves()]) maxdist = max(node.dist() for node in morph.root.leaves()) ntips = sum(1 for node in morph.root.leaves()) dgram_step = maxdist / ntips ystep = ystep if ystep != 0.0 else dgram_step zstep = zstep if zstep != 0.0 else dgram_step[:, SWC.YZ] = [0.0, zorder * zstep] for stem in graph.stems(): for sec in stem.sections(): start_node = sec[0] parent = start_node.parent shift = start_node.coord() - parent.coord() graph.translate(-shift, start_node) for index, term in enumerate(graph.root.leaves(), start=1): pos = index * ystep for node in term.walk(reverse=True): ident = node.ident() value =[ident - 1] if node.is_fork() or node.is_root(): pos = np.mean([x.coord()[1] for x in node.siblings]) value[SWC.Y] = pos super().__init__(