Source code for treem.commands.view

"""Implementation of CLI view command."""

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl

from cycler import cycler

from treem.morph import Morph
from treem.morph import DGram
from import SWC

from treem.utils.plot import plot_neuron
from treem.utils.plot import plot_section
from treem.utils.plot import plot_tree
from treem.utils.plot import plot_points

_colors = ('crimson', 'dodgerblue', 'darkgrey', 'royalblue', 'limegreen',
           'orchid', 'red', 'purple', 'orange', 'darkturquoise')
_NCOLORS = len(_colors)

# mpl.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 1.0
# mpl.rcParams.update({'font.size': 8})
mpl.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler(color=_colors)

[docs]def view(args): """Display neuron morphology structure.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # pylint: disable=too-many-branches # pylint: disable=too-many-statements # pylint: disable=expression-not-assigned plt.rc('font', size=args.font) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d') # pylint: disable=invalid-name ax.xaxis.pane.set_edgecolor('w') ax.yaxis.pane.set_edgecolor('w') ax.zaxis.pane.set_edgecolor('w') ax.xaxis.pane.fill = False ax.yaxis.pane.fill = False ax.zaxis.pane.fill = False ax.set_proj_type('ortho') ax.set_xlabel('X') ax.set_ylabel('Y') ax.set_zlabel('Z') ax.grid(False) types = args.type if args.type else SWC.TYPES if args.title: fig.suptitle(args.title, fontsize=args.title_font) if args.no_axes: ax.set_axis_off() if args.cycler_color: colors = list(_colors) for x in args.cycler_color: # pylint: disable=invalid-name i, colorname = x.split(':') i = int(i) if 0 <= i < _NCOLORS: colors[i] = colorname mpl.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler(color=colors) if args.mode == 'neurites': for count, file_name in enumerate(reversed(args.file)): if not args.dgram: morph = Morph(file_name) else: morph = DGram(source=file_name, zorder=count, ystep=args.dgram_ystep, zstep=args.dgram_zstep, types=types) plot_neuron(ax, morph, types, linewidth=args.linewidth) elif args.mode == 'cells': for count, file_name in enumerate(reversed(args.file)): if not args.dgram: morph = Morph(file_name) else: morph = DGram(source=file_name, zorder=count, ystep=args.dgram_ystep, zstep=args.dgram_zstep, types=types) colors = {k: f'C{count % _NCOLORS}' for k in types} plot_neuron(ax, morph, types, colors=colors, linewidth=args.linewidth) elif args.mode == 'shadow': for file_name in reversed(args.file[1:]): colors = {k: args.shadow_color for k in types} if not args.dgram: morph = Morph(file_name) else: morph = DGram(source=file_name, ystep=args.dgram_ystep, zstep=args.dgram_zstep, types=types) plot_neuron(ax, morph, types, colors=colors, linewidth=args.shadow_width) if not args.dgram: morph = Morph(args.file[0]) else: morph = DGram(source=args.file[0], ystep=args.dgram_ystep, zstep=args.dgram_zstep, types=types) plot_neuron(ax, morph, types, linewidth=args.linewidth) if args.branch: for group in args.branch: # pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop # pylint: disable=undefined-loop-variable nodes = filter(lambda x: x.ident() in group, morph.root.walk()) nodes = filter(lambda x: x.type() in types, nodes) for branch in nodes: plot_tree(ax, branch,, linewidth=1.5 * args.linewidth, color='C5') if args.show_id: plot_points(ax, morph, group, types, show_id=args.show_id, markersize=6 * args.linewidth) if args.sec: for group in args.sec: # pylint: disable=undefined-loop-variable # pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop nodes = filter(lambda x: x.ident() in group, morph.root.walk()) nodes = filter(lambda x: x.type() in types, nodes) for sec in nodes: plot_section(ax, sec,, linewidth=1.5 * args.linewidth, color='C5') if args.show_id: plot_points(ax, morph, group, types, show_id=args.show_id, markersize=6 * args.linewidth) if args.mark: for group in args.mark: plot_points(ax, morph, group, types, show_id=args.show_id, markersize=6 * args.linewidth) if args.angle: ax.view_init(args.angle[0], args.angle[1]) if args.proj: if args.proj.lower() == 'xy': ax.view_init(89.99, -90.01) ax.set_zlabel('') ax.set_zticks([]) if args.proj.lower() == 'xz': ax.view_init(0.00, -90.01) ax.set_ylabel('') ax.set_yticks([]) if args.proj.lower() == 'yz': ax.view_init(0.00, 0.01) ax.set_xlabel('') ax.set_xticks([]) if args.dist: ax.dist = args.dist xmin = ax.xy_dataLim.xmin ymin = ax.xy_dataLim.ymin zmin = ax.zz_dataLim.xmin xmax = ax.xy_dataLim.xmax ymax = ax.xy_dataLim.ymax zmax = ax.zz_dataLim.xmax smax = max(max(ax.xy_dataLim.size), max(ax.zz_dataLim.size)) # pylint: disable=W3301 if args.xlim: ax.set_xlim(args.xlim[0], args.xlim[1]) else: ax.set_xlim((xmin + xmax - smax) / 2, (xmin + xmax + smax) / 2) if args.ylim: ax.set_ylim(args.ylim[0], args.ylim[1]) else: ax.set_ylim((ymin + ymax - smax) / 2, (ymin + ymax + smax) / 2) if args.zlim: ax.set_zlim(args.zlim[0], args.zlim[1]) else: ax.set_zlim((zmin + zmax - smax) / 2, (zmin + zmax + smax) / 2) ax.set_box_aspect([1, 1, 1]) if args.scale and args.scale > 0: if args.dgram: ax.plot([xmax - args.scale, xmax], [ymin - smax / 10, ymin - smax / 10], [zmin, zmin], color='k', linewidth=3) else: ax.plot([xmax - args.scale, xmax], [ymin, ymin], [zmin, zmin], color='k', linewidth=3) ax.plot([xmax, xmax], [ymin, ymin + args.scale], [zmin, zmin], color='k', linewidth=3) ax.plot([xmax, xmax], [ymin, ymin], [zmin, zmin + args.scale], color='k', linewidth=3) if not args.out else plt.savefig(args.out, dpi=100)