Source code for treem.commands.measure

"""Implementation of CLI measure command."""

import os
import json
import math

import multiprocessing as mp
import numpy as np

from treem import Morph, SWC

from import TreemEncoder
from treem.utils.geom import norm
from treem.morph import get_segdata, SEG

[docs]def get_morphometry(reconstruction, args): """Computes morphometric features of a reconstruction.""" # pylint: disable=invalid-name # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # pylint: disable=too-many-branches # pylint: disable=too-many-statements # pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop # pylint: disable=undefined-loop-variable types = args.type if args.type else SWC.TYPES ptmap = dict(zip(SWC.TYPES, ['soma', 'axon', 'dend', 'apic'])) morphometry = {} morph = Morph(reconstruction) name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(reconstruction))[0] morphometry[name] = {} c0 = morph.root.coord() if args.opt and 'seg' in args.opt: segdata = get_segdata(morph) for point_type in set(types).difference((SWC.SOMA,)): mdata = [] for sec in filter(lambda x: x[0].type() == point_type, morph.root.sections()): head = sec[0] tail = sec[-1] seclen = morph.length(sec) chord = norm(tail.coord() - head.parent.coord()) coords = morph.coords(sec) xmin, ymin, zmin = np.min(coords, axis=0) xmax, ymax, zmax = np.max(coords, axis=0) dist = np.max(np.linalg.norm(coords - c0, axis=1)) mdata.append( [, head.order(), tail.breadth(), seclen, chord / seclen, morph.area(sec), morph.volume(sec), morph.radii(sec).mean() * 2, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax, dist]) if mdata: ndata = np.array(mdata) d = morphometry[name][ptmap[point_type]] = {} d['degree'] = np.max(ndata[:, 0], axis=0).astype(int) d['order'] = np.max(ndata[:, 1], axis=0).astype(int) d['breadth'] = np.max(ndata[:, 2], axis=0).astype(int) d['nbranch'] = sum(1 for x in ndata[:, 0] if x > 1) d['nterm'] = sum(1 for x in ndata[:, 0] if x == 0) d['nstem'] = sum(1 for x in ndata[:, 1] if x == 1) d['length'] = np.sum(ndata[:, 3], axis=0) d['seclen'] = np.mean(ndata[:, 3], axis=0) d['contrac'] = np.mean(ndata[:, 4], axis=0) d['area'] = np.sum(ndata[:, 5], axis=0) d['volume'] = np.sum(ndata[:, 6], axis=0) d['diam'] = np.mean(ndata[:, 7], axis=0) d['xdim'] = (np.max(ndata[:, 9], axis=0) - np.min(ndata[:, 8], axis=0)) d['ydim'] = (np.max(ndata[:, 11], axis=0) - np.min(ndata[:, 10], axis=0)) d['zdim'] = (np.max(ndata[:, 13], axis=0) - np.min(ndata[:, 12], axis=0)) d['dist'] = np.max(ndata[:, 14], axis=0) if args.opt and 'sec' in args.opt: d['_sec'] = ndata.transpose() if args.opt and 'seg' in args.opt: sel = np.where(segdata[:, SEG.T] == point_type) d['_seg'] = segdata[sel] for point_type in set(types).intersection((SWC.SOMA,)): mdata = [] for sec in filter(lambda x: x[0].type() == point_type, morph.root.sections()): if len(sec) > 1: area = morph.area(sec) volume = morph.volume(sec) else: area = 4 * math.pi * sec[0].radius()**2 volume = 4 / 3 * math.pi * sec[0].radius()**3 mdata.append([area, volume, morph.radii(sec).mean() * 2]) if mdata: ndata = np.array(mdata) d = morphometry[name][ptmap[point_type]] = {} d['area'] = np.sum(ndata[:, 0], axis=0) d['volume'] = np.sum(ndata[:, 1], axis=0) d['diam'] = np.mean(ndata[:, 2], axis=0) d['xroot'], d['yroot'], d['zroot'] = morph.root.coord() if args.opt and 'path' in args.opt: path = {} for node in morph.root.leaves(): point_type = node.type() if point_type in set(types).difference((SWC.SOMA,)): if point_type not in path: path[point_type] = [] path_length = sum(x.length() for x in node.walk(reverse=True)) path[point_type].append(path_length) for point_type in path: # pylint: disable=C0206 d = morphometry[name][ptmap[point_type]] d['path'] = max(path[point_type]) if args.opt and 'sholl' in args.opt: if args.sholl_proj and args.sholl_proj == 'xy': c0 = morph.root.v[SWC.XY] elif args.sholl_proj and args.sholl_proj == 'xz': c0 = morph.root.v[SWC.XZ] elif args.sholl_proj and args.sholl_proj == 'yz': c0 = morph.root.v[SWC.YZ] else: c0 = morph.root.coord() sholl_data = {} for node in morph.root.walk(): point_type = node.type() if point_type in set(types).difference((SWC.SOMA,)): if point_type not in sholl_data: sholl_data[point_type] = {} if args.sholl_proj and args.sholl_proj == 'xy': c1 = node.parent.v[SWC.XY] c2 = node.v[SWC.XY] elif args.sholl_proj and args.sholl_proj == 'xz': c1 = node.parent.v[SWC.XZ] c2 = node.v[SWC.XZ] elif args.sholl_proj and args.sholl_proj == 'yz': c1 = node.parent.v[SWC.YZ] c2 = node.v[SWC.YZ] else: c1 = node.parent.coord() c2 = node.coord() n1 = math.ceil(np.linalg.norm(c1 - c0) / args.sholl_res) n2 = math.ceil(np.linalg.norm(c2 - c0) / args.sholl_res) for circle in range(n1, n2): if circle not in sholl_data[point_type]: sholl_data[point_type][circle] = 0 sholl_data[point_type][circle] += 1 for point_type in sholl_data: # pylint: disable=C0206 radii = [x * args.sholl_res for x in sholl_data[point_type]] cross = [sholl_data[point_type][x] for x in sholl_data[point_type]] d = morphometry[name][ptmap[point_type]] d['sholl'] = {'radii': radii, 'crossings': cross} return morphometry
[docs]def measure(args): """Computes morphometric features of multiple reconstructions.""" # pylint: disable=invalid-name # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # pylint: disable=too-many-branches # pylint: disable=too-many-statements # pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop # pylint: disable=undefined-loop-variable metric = {} reconstructions = args.file items = zip(reconstructions, (args,) * len(reconstructions)) with mp.Pool() as pool: for morphometry in pool.starmap(get_morphometry, items): metric.update(morphometry) if not args.out: for name in metric: # pylint: disable=C0206 print(name) for point_type in sorted(metric[name]): for feature in sorted(metric[name][point_type]): if feature not in ('sholl', '_sec', '_seg'): print(f'{point_type} {feature:10s} ' f'{metric[name][point_type][feature]:>8g}') elif feature == 'sholl': print(f'{point_type} {feature:10s} ' f'{sum(metric[name][point_type][feature]["crossings"]):>8g}') print() else: with open(args.out, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: json.dump(metric, file, indent=4, sort_keys=True, cls=TreemEncoder)