Source code for treem.commands.find

"""Implementation of CLI find command."""

import numpy as np

from treem.morph import Morph
from import SWC
from treem.utils.geom import fibonacci_sphere
from treem.utils.geom import rotation_matrix
from treem.utils.geom import rotation

[docs]def find(args): """Locates single nodes in morphology reconstruction.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-statements # pylint: disable=too-many-branches # pylint: disable=too-many-locals morph = Morph(args.file) types = args.type if args.type else SWC.TYPES nodes = filter(lambda x: x.type() in types, morph.root.walk()) if args.nodes: nodes = filter(lambda x: x.ident() in args.nodes, nodes) if args.order: nodes = filter(lambda x: x.order() in args.order, nodes) if args.breadth: nodes = filter(lambda x: x.breadth() in args.breadth, nodes) if nodes = filter(lambda x: in, nodes) if args.diam is not None: if == 'gt': nodes = filter(lambda x: x.diam() > args.diam, nodes) elif == 'lt': nodes = filter(lambda x: x.diam() < args.diam, nodes) elif == 'eq': nodes = filter(lambda x: x.diam() == args.diam, nodes) if args.length is not None: if == 'gt': nodes = filter(lambda x: x.length() > args.length, nodes) elif == 'lt': nodes = filter(lambda x: x.length() < args.length, nodes) elif == 'eq': nodes = filter(lambda x: x.length() == args.length, nodes) if args.dist is not None: if == 'gt': nodes = filter(lambda x: x.dist(morph.root.coord()) > args.dist, nodes) elif == 'lt': nodes = filter(lambda x: x.dist(morph.root.coord()) < args.dist, nodes) elif == 'eq': nodes = filter(lambda x: x.dist(morph.root.coord()) == args.dist, nodes) if args.slice is not None: if == 'gt': nodes = filter(lambda x: x.coord()[2] > args.slice, nodes) elif == 'lt': nodes = filter(lambda x: x.coord()[2] < args.slice, nodes) elif == 'eq': nodes = filter(lambda x: x.coord()[2] == args.slice, nodes) if args.jump is not None: if == 'gt': nodes = filter(lambda x: not x.is_root() and abs((x.parent.coord() - x.coord())[2]) > args.jump, nodes) elif == 'lt': nodes = filter(lambda x: not x.is_root() and abs((x.parent.coord() - x.coord())[2]) < args.jump, nodes) elif == 'eq': nodes = filter(lambda x: not x.is_root() and abs((x.parent.coord() - x.coord())[2]) == args.jump, nodes) if args.cut: nodes = filter(lambda x: x.is_leaf(), nodes) if not args.cut_find: if not args.bottom_up: zcut = max(x.coord()[2] for x in morph.root.walk()) nodes = filter(lambda x: x.coord()[2] > zcut - args.cut, nodes) else: zcut = min(x.coord()[2] for x in morph.root.walk()) nodes = filter(lambda x: x.coord()[2] < zcut + args.cut, nodes) else: found_cuts = [] node_list = list(nodes) # node_ids = [x.ident() for x in node_list] points = fibonacci_sphere(args.cut_iter) ztip = np.array([x.v for x in morph.root.leaves()]) zdir = (0, 0, 1) for vdir in points: vtip = ztip.copy() axis, angle = rotation(zdir, vdir) rotm = rotation_matrix(axis, angle) vtip[:, SWC.XYZ] =, vtip[:, SWC.XYZ].T).T zmax = vtip[:, SWC.Z].max() cuts = [int(v[SWC.I]) for v in vtip if zmax - v[SWC.Z] < args.cut] found_cuts.append(cuts) max_cuts = max(len(x) for x in found_cuts) for cuts in found_cuts: if len(cuts) == max_cuts: break nodes = filter(lambda x: x.ident() in cuts, node_list) if args.sec: nodes = filter(lambda x: x.parent.is_fork() or x.parent.is_root(), nodes) if args.stem: stems = [] for node in nodes: stems.extend(x for x in filter(lambda x: x.is_stem() and x.type() != SWC.SOMA, node.walk(reverse=True)) if x not in stems) nodes = stems for node in nodes: print(node.ident(), end=' ') print()